The Golden Hour Collection is filled with spectacular skies and flowers galore. With this body of work I was digging into the past decade of my life, my 20s, and examining the people who have come and gone in that time. I feel like I have lost a lot of friends over the years and wanted to excavate those memories and see how I feel now. The entire process was really healing for me, and I think a lot of this shows in the work. Whether it’s the energy in the skies, the flowers I chose for the fields, or the tension you feel in some of the compositions, nothing in this collection is by chance.

I think that accurately reflects the way see the people who have come and gone too… I was always exactly where I needed to be to get to where I am today.

The Golden Hour Collection, for me, is a delightful celebration of the last decade of painting and my life, and a share of the love I have and had for the many people who came in and went. As the sun sets on the 20s of my life, I’m very pleased to release this collection of sunset paintings, filled with flowers and symbolism galore.

This is truly some of my best work.

 Flowers in full bloom, the stage in their cycle before death

Sunsets in spectacular glory, the last show before dark

Paintings in the Collection

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